
GPS clock and satellite view



Kris Jaxa
Visby, Sweden
Contact: Kris

Project description:

GPS chip gives exact second pulse and text messaged are easy to interpret. I use data-time information for showing UTC time and satellite data: satellite id, elevation, azimuth, signal to noise ratio to visualize them.

My observation shows that such clock has ±50ns accuracy.

I choose STM32 boards because they are relatively cheap, have good documentation and developing tool: STM32 CubeIDE.

This project is mostly a test for my C++ Nextion (display) library and is built as experimental set, but i've taken some time to design and print a holder.

C++ code is in the GitHup repository: https://github.com/KJaxaM/Gps_clock

Short videos show a project: page 1, page 2.